My stepfather often told me, when I was being unreasonable: "Why don't you broaden your pitifully narrow horizons." This blog reflects my desire to do just that. It involves tales of my adventures in extraordinary places but also ordinary places made extraordinary by the people encountered and the food.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Living in the Dominican Republic: Things that amuse me Part II

1) The fact that there exists an internet cafe/photocopy place/coffee shop/bar/disco tech that has you spin a roulette wheel to determine what percentage of your tab you pay.

My abuelo gives it a spin. He got 50% off!

You can get 100% of your bill covered like these lucky people:

There are other types of rewards too, like free coffee! PhotoBar is a must visit if you're ever in Cabrera.

2) I love giving random people rides; it brightens people's days and helps cut their transportation costs.

These kids were chopping wood and we offered them a lift so they didn't have to carry their load so far. Too cute!

These kids were just getting off from school, so we gave them a ride to their village.

3) This isn't a good thing by any stretch of the imagination, but it's something you wouldn't find in the states ever: racially explicit flour. Here people are openly characterized according to the degree of their skin's darkness, which indicates their proximity to either the elite descendants of Spanish colonialists or African slaves. Apparently flour can be found ranging from Negrito to Morenita (mixed) to blanco (white).

It's possible that my dad and I have way too much fun grocery shopping!

Another amusing thing that can be found at La Sirena,which is basically a Latino Walmart:

Professional hair salon stations to keep your hair looking lovely.

Have extra time on your hands? Play dress up with La Sirena online moda!

I love that you can buy fresh made juices with no sugar added.

4) I love that politicians campaign by hiring trucks with giant speakers to blast popular music (usually Merengue)and guys on motorbikes carrying banners to ride through towns getting people excited, or at least causing much "appreciated" traffic jams.

Driving through Nagua we were stopped for a while by a procession for Chu.

And as we were trying to leave our apartment in Cabrera we were delayed by another politico's attempts at raising support...too bad his groupies decided to crowd into a dead end street, which made exiting comically frustrating.

Come on, you can totally fit more speakers in that truck!

Alright, enough computer for me! Off to take a walk in the great outdoors and smell some flowers, whose aroma will hopefully cover the odor of my sweat!

P.S. If you read this blog and are a fan, become a follower and single-handedly raise my self esteem by 10 whole points! Come on, you need a Google account anyway to keep up with today's trends!


  1. Absolutely LOOOOOVE your blog! Can't wait to spend time with you this summer.... I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better!

  2. Thanks girl! I too am looking forward to my Stupendous Alaskan Summer! One short month to go!

  3. Love reading your lil' adventures girl!!you make me jealous!! ;-)

  4. Hi Marisa! Thanks for reading my blog! Don't worry, you and I have adventures together in our future I'm sure...:-)
