My stepfather often told me, when I was being unreasonable: "Why don't you broaden your pitifully narrow horizons." This blog reflects my desire to do just that. It involves tales of my adventures in extraordinary places but also ordinary places made extraordinary by the people encountered and the food.

Monday, July 19, 2010

How the Japanese conquered BeerFest 2010

The 2010 Beer Festival at Silver Gulch was a ridiculously fun event! There were people in lederhosen, tables upon tables laden with a tremendous variety of brews from all around the world, and plenty of people to sample said brews.
The band before they hit the stage
These two band members were kind enough to oblige my desire in having my picture taken with lederhosen clad people. I didn't have any lederhosen myself so I settled for suspenders supplied by Dixon Jones and hair styled by my personal stylist, Heidi. Basically the same thing, right?
Cheers! These are all either current or former employees of the tour company I work for. Yes, I am unnaturally proud of my suspenders.
Yours truly with the aforementioned totally awesome personal stylist and friend, Heidi!
The band takes the stage but makes sure to keep hydrated. 
That hand in the air guy is seriously weird.
Seriously. She looks terrified.
This is the lovely couple responsible for expanding my pitifully narrow beer horizons to include some delectable brews from Japan. My personal favorite for the evening was Hitachino Nest White Ale brewed by Kiuchi Brewery. It was refreshing, spicy and not too sweet. Followers up were the Hitachino Nest Espresso Stout and Milk Stout. Now this is where the Japanese could perhaps stand some lessons in international marketing: they call their Milk Stout Lacto Sweet Stout, which doesn't really sound as appetizing. 
And so it was that I arrived at the Silver Gulch BeerFest fully expecting to stay loyal to my Belgians but was instead pleasantly impressed by the Japanese. Conclusion: They are taking over the world.
An excellent evening was had by all!

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