My stepfather often told me, when I was being unreasonable: "Why don't you broaden your pitifully narrow horizons." This blog reflects my desire to do just that. It involves tales of my adventures in extraordinary places but also ordinary places made extraordinary by the people encountered and the food.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sure, July 4th is about American independence but more importantly it's my grandma's birthday

Family from as far as Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and California and as near as just down the road gathered together to celebrate Grandma Cathy's 90th birthday. 
There was a grill out at our house on Saturday, marking her birthday eve.
My mom's peonies are in full bloom.
My step-dad, Dixon, getting a head start on the grilling before company arrives. Tara begs to come out and play.
Eman helps Jenna entertain her love of dogs. Jenna expresses her affection by pulling Tara's hair and poking her with her finger. Tara is now terrified of babies.
Grandma enjoys her last day of being 89.
Grandma and Aunt Susan enjoying the sunshine before a thunderstorm rolled in.
Aunt Ann tries to rescue my uncle Raed from my clearly vicious dog.
Raed later warmed up to Tara.
Life really is all about the food, right?
July 4th: Birth date of Catherine Jones
My grandma decided she wanted KFC for her birthday and what the 90 year old wants, the 90 year old gets!
Uncle Raed does bear a slight resemblance to Colonel Harland Sanders. All I can think of is the South Park episode "Medicinal Fried Chicken". Hilarious!
My mom and Eman entertain, and are entertained by, Jenna.
Once in a lifetime family gatherings mean lots of photo taking.
Yes, that is an original Archie's comic from the 1960s.
I like how Dixon's hair has a bit of a delightfully unintentional Emo flare.
The kids, Ann, Dixon and Susan.
The grandkids, Eman, Zach, Ibrahim, and Rowan, and the great-grandkid, Jenna.
The matriarch.
The Jones/Berazas.
Everybody gets involved.
Uncle Raed expresses his boredom with picture taking and so concludes a fine day of celebration, complete with fried chicken, family, and angel food cake.

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