My stepfather often told me, when I was being unreasonable: "Why don't you broaden your pitifully narrow horizons." This blog reflects my desire to do just that. It involves tales of my adventures in extraordinary places but also ordinary places made extraordinary by the people encountered and the food.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

An Expedition to Chiang Mai Part II

November 15-27 "Our party and members of the tribe engaged in jointly enjoyed activities or Then some stuff happened to some people and things"

We went to a waterfall in close proximity to our abode.

On our journey up the path to the waterfall we were greeted by a buffet of apparently delectable insects.

At a later point in time I dared to ingest a crispy and spiced member of the cricket family.

Several other members of the cricket family were also consumed after discovering the taste and texture to be quite pleasant.

We went to the Sunday market and I purchased many pretty things of dubious quality.

You never know what you're going to see at the Sunday market in Chiang Mai.

Another night our little group decided to head for Chiang Mai University to observe a much anticipated meteor shower. Alas, it was too cloudy to witness any major cosmic drama. Fortunately we were in such a thorough state of inebriation after a rather eventful meander that it was difficult to be too disappointed.

The night was lovely. Perhaps one of the more enjoyable nights of ma vie (yes, I'm pretentious). The morning inspired a burst of sociability and we joined a group of musically inclined Thai university students.

That's me on a cellphone. I'm so cosmopolitan it's painful. My Couch Surfing host belted out a tune or two while a friend of ours proved to be musically adept.

I discovered hot pot!
I saw some temples (places with Buddha statues, incense, and fancy roofs).

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